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Think your organization has REAL teamwork? Coming Soon!
Wheat Field
Professional Development From a Book? Absolutely!

Are you a business leader frustrated by the fact that too much of your time is devoted to management tasks rather than actual leadership?


Perhaps you are finding it difficult to establish which is more critical to the success of your business because your days are too hectic to consider strategic and visionary duties.


Moreover, do you sense anxiety creeping in, as the organization begins to lose direction? 


With so much to do, and when there may be a strong temptation to play it safe and not put your neck on the line, how can you steer the corporate ship in the way required?


Chris Collier’s 23 years of experience as a senior officer in the US Army Special Operations, and an executive in the corporate retail environment, forced him to ask these very same questions that face leaders today.  The answers he found have become part of a profound Four-Step System; a framework forged in the field through his role as a senior advisor to NATO and US military leadership, and now as an author, speaker and leadership consultant.  This process has now become the cornerstone of program for the Fortune 500 companies he currently trains and coaches, and empowers them to accomplish further success despite the challenges of modern business.


This best selling and empowering book on leadership will assist you to discover ways to refocus your perceptions and thinking, making you more productive and your career more rewarding.  Unlike other business success books that only offer advice, by following the steps in this system and doing the practical exercises, you will have a complete personalized professional leadership development action plan you can put to work to see dramatic results immediately!



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